What Does GMaP Region 2 Offer?


Pre–submission Expert Grant Review Awards

  • Supports peer review of grant proposals by outside experts prior to submission. Applicants should also consult with NCI CRCHD program directors. 

Collaborative Inter-institutional Research Pilot Funding

  • Pilot funds to support collaborations between two or more institutions to generate feasibility data for larger research/education projects.

Cancer Health Disparities Targeted Training Awards

  • Supports cohort of 10 junior investigators for 2 day targeted career development activities at Moffitt Cancer Center intending to submit career development award.

Trainee/Early Career Scientists Travel Awards

  • Travel scholarships for trainees/investigators to attend advanced cancer disparities trainings and/or to present their work. 

Regional Communications about Current Research and Training Opportunities

  • Monthly e-blasts and quarterly newsletters on funding and training opportunities